Terms of Use

1. Web Sites access and use conditions

The User undertakes to make diligent use of these, and of the services accessible from these Web Sites, abiding to the Law, good habits, present General Terms and, in each specific case, to its particular conditions.

Any use different to the purpose of these Web Sites is expressly prohibited.

On that sense, the User will renounce to use any of the materials and information content on these Web Sites with illicit purpose and the expressly prohibited in these General Terms of Use, as well as in the particular conditions that, when applicable, shall be enabled.

Shall respond to Last Mile Team S.L., its members and/or third parties in case or contravention or failure to comply with these obligations, and/or in any way (including the injection or diffusion of “computer viruses”), damage, render inoperative, overload or prevent the normal use of the contents and information included in the Web Sites, the information systems or the documents, archives and any content stored on any computer equipment of Last Mile Team S.L. or any other user of the Web Sites.

In particular, merely as informative, non-exhaustive, the Users commit to not capture data or content for advertising purposes, as well as to not incorporate, transmit or disseminate through these Web Sites – including its Blogs and potential comments accessible on them – messages, images, photographs, software, data or content that:

  • in any way contravene or threaten the fundamental rights recognized by the legal framework;
  • induce, incite or promote criminal, derogatory, defamatory, discriminatory, infamous, violent, gender, race, religion or ideology discriminatory, activities, or, being in general, against the law, morale or public order;
  • be false, ambiguous, inexact, obscene or extemporaneous;
  • are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, except with prior and sufficient authorization by its legitimate right holder;
  • infringe on the right to honour, personal intimacy, image of third parties or infringe on communications secrecy or confidentiality rights;
  • be misleading or deceptive advertising;
  • contain computer viruses, Trojan horses or any other material or software capable of damaging or altering computer equipment and IT systems functioning.

These Terms of Use are governed by the Spanish Law.

We remind you that you can access European Union online dispute resolution platform following this link.

Last Mile Team S.L.
All right reserved
March 2020