Industrial and Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property – Copyright

Last Mile Team S.L. is the exclusive rights holder of exploitation rights in all world countries of the collection of Computer Software that constitutes the “Last Mile Digital Platform”, consisting of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, on any of the existing and known modalities on 3 March, 2017, as stated in the General Intellectual Property Registry with registration record number 16/2017/5335.

Exempt from this protection are the files or computer software not owned by Last Mile Team S.L. and of free access (freeware – software with GNU/GLP license) that the User might find and download from any page of the Web Sites with the purpose to facilitate access to said Web Sites and to the offered services. These are, in any case, apps that have the character of public domain by express will of their authors.

Exempt from this protection are also third party works that might be found in the Web Sites under license, to which we refer to delimit their protection extent.

Content, texts, pictures, designs, logotypes, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, computer software, source code and, in general, any intellectual work existing in the Web Sites, as well as the Web Sites themselves as a whole, as a multi-media artistic work, are protected as copyright by current legislation in intellectual property matters, both those of own authorship as those subject to third partly license.

Some of the Web Sites use, among others, a free software category content management (CMS) with GNU/GLP license, as the base working application.

In conformance with what is disclosed above, Last Mile Team S.L. is the exclusive owner of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation rights, as well as any other patrimonial nature right over the described elements in preceding paragraph; all that notwithstanding the moral rights over authorship corresponding to their authors.


Industrial Property

Graphic and denominative distinctive marks that appear in the Web Sites, among which stands out the figurative mark containing word elements “Last Mile Team”, are our exclusive property and are registered as a EU Trade Mark in EUIPO. Consequently, it is forbidden to use such mark in economic traffic by third parties who do not have our express consent. The eventual presence in the Web Sites of disctinctive marks of different ownership than expressed above is done with the authorization of their legitimate owners, always with the due respect to their exclusive rights.


Domain names

In the same sense, as referred to in the preceding paragraph, domain names, and any other that could be used to access directly or indirectly the Web Sites, are our exclusive holding. Misuse of these in economic traffic is a breach of the rights inherent to its registry and fair use, and will be pursued by all means provided for by Law.


Link to Web Sites conditions

People or entities that aim to, or link, from another web page or Internet portal to any of the pages of the Web Sites must comply with the following conditions:

  • Any link to the Web Sites will only be to the landing pages, with prior express consent by Last Mile Team S.L.
  • No “frames”, “deep-links” or image links with Web Sites pages will be established without prior express consent by Last Mile Team S.L.
  • No false, inexact or incorrect manifestation will be included about the pages of the Web Sites, the services offered or its contents.
  • Establishing a link will not necessarily imply the existence of a relationship between Last Mile Team S.L. and the legitimate holder of the web page from which is made, nor the knowledge or acceptance of Last Mile team S.L. of the services and contents offered in that web page.

Establishing a link without respecting the mentioned conditions could constitute a violation of the intellectual and/or industrial property held by Last Mile Team S.L. by the company or individual responsible for that web sites.


Professional use

Our Web Sites are for professional use, especially targeted to logistics and transport sectors; any other use must be agreed with us in advance.


Reserve of actions

Use of the content or services of the Web Sites do not imply or suppose the concession of a license or the authorization of use of any kind over our industrial or intellectual property rights, or any other rights. Users of the Web Sites are obliged to respect the mentioned rights and to avoid any action that could harm them, reserving for Last Mile Team S.L. in any case the exercise of all means and legal actions that are available in defense of our legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.

Last Mile Team S.L.
All right reserved
March 2020